
Biblical Hermeneutics: A Comprehensive Introduction to Interpreting Scripture (2nd Ed.) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Biblical Hermeneutics is designed for students and ministers who want to grow in their ability to interpret, teach, and preach God’s Word. It requires no understanding of biblical languages or of the technical details of hermeneutics, but it does provide the reader with a working knowledge of the multi-faceted nature of biblical interpretation and with support for the practice of exegesis. The...

Euphemism. A word substituted for another, usually for reasons of good taste or delicacy. Excursus. A digression that gives an extended discussion of a matter not covered extensively in the main body of a text; often placed at the end of a text as an appendix. Exegesis. The use of critical and scholarly methods to derive the meaning of a passage of Scripture; it is to be distinguished from exposition and eisegesis. It may also refer to the written product of such study. Exegete. The person who practices
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